Monday, January 16, 2012

Word of the Year-Balance

One word.

To inspire a year.

To keep in mind during my daily life.

To keep me grounded.

To motivate me.

To strive for.

To keep me in check.


Its perfect for me, right now, for 2012. Its so hard to be everything to everyone. I cant possibly have it all, all the time, and wishing for that will leave me feeling unaccomplished.

If I focus myself on one aspect of my life 100% then all the rest suffers. And I suppose that's true with anyone, right? Instead I need to divide my time reasonably, and try to find a balance that makes this life as joyful as possible.

Finding the balance is probably one of the most difficult things to achieve. So that's why I think its a good word for the whole year. Its such an important idea, to create balance in your life. It can be selfish or selfless it can be physical or emotional, balance has so many possibilities.

So not only will I be sharing this word here, and at TLC today, but I'm also going to be thinking about some concrete ways to let this word actually affect me this year. I'll be trying to implement some things into my every day life that helps to achieve the balance that I'm looking for, and I hope to share them here to help everyone else who's looking for a more balanced life.

I hope you'll become a follower if you too are searching out a more balanced life

I'm linking up to TLC's link party. I hope you all jump in on the fun.




  1. I agree; the journey to finding balance can feel like a see-saw ride sometimes...I too am working on finding balance in my life. Stopping by from Layla's

    1. Thanks so much for the comment. I'm glad you can relate, I'm happy to be using this word to try to guide me through 2012 = )

  2. Great minds think alike! Thanks for popping over from TLC ~ best of luck on your journey to finding balance this year. If you see footprints beside you along the way, it's just me. :)
    xo Heidi

    1. Glad to know I'll have someone with me! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Great inspirational words Jen. I am glad to see you linking up with this, because you always write so well.

    1. Thanks Fiona, you are much too kind. I dont think I'm the best writer, but I do feel like I have things I want to say!

  4. Jen, you've just got yourself an award! Congrats! Check this out on my blog!
    Love, Olga


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