Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shine a little light on the subject

Just a quick little DIY project that I wanted to share.

I felt like a little update on my lighting fixtures at our bar in our kitchen

This is how it was when we bought the house

And this is how it looked today.

We got the pendant lights from Lowes, and I liked it, but didnt love it. After 2 years, I found something that I actually really loved.

So I unscrewed the bulbs and pendant

And then I spray painted the wire silver, and added a new silver pendant from Ikea.

And this is the view from the front door.

The lights were $15 each + a can of spray paint.

Its much more syle which I'm excited about.

I think I'd like to change out that mirror for something else, and add some stools, but I'm happy with the change.

Hope you enjoyed.


  1. Great update! Love the lights. Your ceiling is phenomenal!

  2. Nice lights. What are your countertops made of? The "before"s look like laminate with rounded edges. The "after"s look like you added some type of edge banding?

  3. I looooove your new choice. It really updates the space!

  4. Thanks everybody I really appreciate it. I wish we hadn't spent the money on the first pendants because we have lived with those for 2 years, but sometimes you just don't find the perfect thing in the market at the right time. In any case I'm really happy with the new lights!


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